Python frozenset()

Python frozenset() is a powerful function for creating immutable sets. It is useful when you need a fixed collection of unique elements, such as using it as a dictionary key. By understanding how frozenset() works, you can leverage its immutability and set operations in your Python programs.
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Understanding Python frozenset() Function

Python frozenset() is a built-in function that creates an immutable (unchangeable) set from an iterable object. Unlike regular sets that can be modified after creation, a frozenset, once created, cannot be altered – you can’t add or remove elements from it. This immutability makes frozensets useful when you need a set that can be used as a dictionary key or as an element in another set, as these scenarios require hashable (and, therefore, immutable) objects. Python frozenset() takes an iterable as input and returns a new frozenset containing the unique elements from that iterable.

Syntax of Python frozenset()

frozen_set = frozenset(iterable)


  • frozen_set: Variable will store the newly created frozenset object.
  • frozenset(): Built-in function that creates a frozenset.
  • iterable (optional): Iterable whose elements will be used to create the frozenset. It is used as input for frozenset(). If not provided, it returns an empty frozenset.

Example of Python frozenset()

my_set = {1, 2, 3}
frozen_set = frozenset(my_set)


  • my_set = {1, 2, 3}: Creates a regular set named my_set.
  • frozen_set = frozenset(my_set): Creates a frozenset from my_set and assigns it to frozen_set.
  • print(frozen_set): Prints the frozenset.


frozenset({1, 2, 3})

frozenset() Parameters

Python frozenset() function accepts a single parameter, which is an optional iterable. This iterable can be a set, list, tuple, string, or any other object that supports iteration. If you don’t provide an iterable, frozenset() returns an empty frozenset. The elements of the iterable will become the elements of the new frozenset, but any duplicate elements will be automatically removed because sets, by definition, only contain unique elements.


frozen_set = frozenset(iterable)


my_list = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5]
frozen_set = frozenset(my_list)


  • my_list = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5]: Creates a list my_list with some duplicate elements.
  • frozen_set = frozenset(my_list): Creates a frozenset from my_list, removing duplicates, and assigns it to frozen_set.
  • print(frozen_set): Prints the frozenset.


frozenset({1, 2, 3, 4, 5})

frozenset() Return Type

Python frozenset() function returns a new frozenset object. A frozenset is an immutable version of a Python set, meaning that once it’s created, you cannot add or remove elements from it. If you provide an iterable to frozenset(), the new frozenset will contain the unique elements from that iterable. If you don’t give any argument, it returns an empty frozenset. The returned frozenset will always be immutable.


frozenset_object = frozenset(iterable)


empty_frozenset = frozenset()


  • empty_frozenset = frozenset(): Creates an empty frozenset and assigns it to empty_frozenset.
  • print(empty_frozenset): Prints the empty frozenset.



Python frozenset() for Dictionary

When you use Python frozenset() with a dictionary, it creates a frozenset containing only the keys of the dictionary, not the values. This is because frozenset(), like set(), iterates over the dictionary’s keys by default. The order of the keys in the frozenset might not be the same as the order in the dictionary, as sets (and frozensets) are unordered collections. The returned frozenset will have the keys of the dictionary.


frozen_set = frozenset(dictionary)


my_dict = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
frozen_set = frozenset(my_dict)


  • my_dict = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}: Creates a dictionary named my_dict.
  • frozen_set = frozenset(my_dict): Creates a frozenset containing only the keys of my_dict and assigns it to frozen_set.
  • print(frozen_set): Prints the frozenset.


frozenset({‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’})

Python frozenset for Tuple

When you pass a tuple to Python frozenset(), it creates a frozenset containing all the unique elements from the tuple. The order of elements in the frozenset might not be the same as in the original tuple because sets, and therefore frozensets, are unordered. This conversion is useful when you need an immutable collection of unique items derived from a tuple.


frozen_set = frozenset(tuple)


  • frozen_set: Variable will store the frozenset created from the tuple’s elements.
  • frozenset(): Function creates a frozenset.
  • tuple: Tuple you’re using to create the frozenset. It is the input parameter for frozenset().


my_tuple = (1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)
frozen_set = frozenset(my_tuple)


  • my_tuple = (1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3): Creates a tuple my_tuple with duplicate elements.
  • frozen_set = frozenset(my_tuple): Creates a frozenset from my_tuple, which automatically removes duplicates, and assigns it to frozen_set.
  • print(frozen_set): Prints the frozenset.


frozenset({1, 2, 3})

Python frozenset for List

When you apply Python frozenset() to a list, it creates a frozenset containing the unique elements from the list. Duplicates in the list are automatically removed because a frozenset, like a set, only stores unique elements. The order of elements in the resulting frozenset might not be the same as in the original list because sets and frozensets are unordered collections.


frozen_set = frozenset(list)


  • frozen_set: Variable will store the frozenset created from the list’s elements.
  • frozenset(): Function creates a frozenset.
  • list: List you’re using to create the frozenset. It is used as input for frozenset().


my_list = [4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7]
frozen_set = frozenset(my_list)


  • my_list = [4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7]: Creates a list my_list with some duplicate elements.
  • frozen_set = frozenset(my_list): Creates a frozenset from my_list, removing duplicates, and assigns it to frozen_set.
  • print(frozen_set): Prints the frozenset.


frozenset({4, 5, 6, 7})

Frozenset Operations

Frozensets, being immutable sets, support various set operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference. You can use methods like .union(), .intersection(), .difference(), and .symmetric_difference() to perform these operations. Since frozensets are immutable, these operations return new frozensets containing the result of the operation, rather than modifying the original frozenset.


result_frozenset = frozenset1.operation(frozenset2)


  • result_frozenset: Variable will store the new frozenset resulting from the operation.
  • frozenset1: First frozenset.
  • .operation(): Method representing a set operation (e.g., union, intersection).
  • frozenset2: Second frozenset. It is used as input for operation().


fs1 = frozenset([1, 2, 3])
fs2 = frozenset([3, 4, 5])
union_set = fs1.union(fs2)


  • fs1 = frozenset([1, 2, 3]): Creates a frozenset fs1.
  • fs2 = frozenset([3, 4, 5]): Creates another frozenset fs2.
  • union_set = fs1.union(fs2): Computes the union of fs1 and fs2, storing the result in union_set.
  • print(union_set): Prints the union_set.


frozenset({1, 2, 3, 4, 5})

Using frozenset as a Dictionary Key

One of the key features of a Python frozenset is that it can be used as a dictionary key. Because frozensets are immutable, they are hashable, a requirement for dictionary keys in Python. Regular sets, being mutable, cannot be used as dictionary keys. This property of frozensets allows you to use sets of items as keys in a dictionary, enabling more complex data structures and lookups.


my_dict = {frozenset(iterable): value}


  • my_dict: Dictionary where the keys are frozensets.
  • frozenset(iterable): Creates a frozenset from iterable, which is then used as a key in my_dict.
  • value: Value associated with the frozenset key.


key = frozenset([1, 2, 3])
my_dict = {key: "value"}


  • key = frozenset([1, 2, 3]): Creates a frozenset named key.
  • my_dict = {key: "value"}: Creates a dictionary my_dict with key as the key and “value” as the value.
  • print(my_dict[key]): Accesses the dictionary using the frozenset key and prints the associated value.



Exceptions While Using the frozenset() Method in Python

When using the Python frozenset() method, you might encounter exceptions if the iterable you provide contains unhashable elements. Since frozensets, like sets, require their elements to be hashable (immutable), attempting to create a frozenset with mutable elements like lists will raise a TypeError. It’s important to ensure that the elements you include in a frozenset are immutable to avoid this error.


frozen_set = frozenset(iterable_with_unhashable_elements)


  • frozen_set: Variable would store the frozenset if no error occurred.
  • frozenset(): Function attempts to create a frozenset.
  • iterable_with_unhashable_elements: Iterable containing unhashable (mutable) elements. It is used as incorrect input for frozenset().

Code Example

    my_frozenset = frozenset([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
except TypeError as e:
    print(f"Error: {e}")


  • try:: Block attempts to execute code that might raise a TypeError.
  • my_frozenset = frozenset([[1, 2], [3, 4]]): Attempts to create a frozenset from a list of lists, which will raise a TypeError because lists are not hashable.
  • print(my_frozenset): Print the frozenset if it were created successfully.
  • except TypeError as e:: Block catches the TypeError if it occurs.
  • print(f"Error: {e}"): Prints the error message.


Error: unhashable type: ‘list’


Python frozenset() function is a way to create immutable sets in Python. Unlike regular sets, frozensets cannot be changed after they are created, which makes them suitable for use as dictionary keys or elements of other sets. Python frozenset supports all the standard set operations (like union, intersection, etc.), but these operations always return a new frozenset instead of modifying an existing one. Understanding when and how to use frozensets is important for writing efficient and correct Python code, especially when dealing with scenarios that require hashable collections.

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Python Reference

python frozenset()

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