Python bool()

Python bool() returns True if the object is considered "truthy" and False if it is considered "falsy." This function is fundamental to understanding how Python interprets different data types in logical operations and conditional statements.
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Understanding Python bool() Function

Python bool() is a built-in function that returns the boolean value of a specified object. It can take any object as an argument, such as a number, string, list, or even None. The function returns True for most objects but False for objects considered “empty” or equivalent to zero. This function is fundamental in conditional statements and logical operations within Python, as it allows you to test the “truthiness” of different objects and data structures. In essence, bool() helps determine whether something is considered logically true or false in the context of Python’s evaluation rules.

Syntax of Python bool()

boolean_value = bool(object)


  • boolean_value: Variable will store the result of the bool() function, which is either True or False.
  • bool(): Built-in function that evaluates the “truthiness” of the object.
  • object: Object you want to test; it can be of any data type. It is used as input for the bool() function.

Example of Python bool()

value = 10
boolean_result = bool(value)


  • value = 10: Assigns the integer value 10 to the variable value.
  • boolean_result = bool(value): The bool() function evaluates value and stores the result (True in this case) in boolean_result.
  • print(boolean_result): Prints the value of boolean_result, which is True.



Python bool() with True Arguments

When you use Python bool() with arguments considered “truthy,” the function will always return True. In Python, most values are considered “truthy” unless specifically defined as “falsy.” Examples of “truthy” values include non-zero numbers, non-empty strings, non-empty lists, non-empty tuples, non-empty dictionaries, and the boolean value True itself. Understanding which values are considered “truthy” is crucial for writing Python’s logical expressions and control flow.


my_string = "Hello"
bool_result = bool(my_string)


  • my_string = "Hello": Assigns a non-empty string to the variable my_string.
  • bool_result = bool(my_string): The bool() function evaluates my_string (which is “truthy”) and stores the result in bool_result.
  • print(bool_result): Prints the value of bool_result, which is True.



Python bool() with False Arguments

When you use Python bool() with arguments considered “falsy,” the function will return False. In Python, “falsy” values include zero of any numeric type (0, 0.0, 0j), empty sequences (like empty strings, lists, tuples), empty dictionaries, None, and the boolean value False itself. Understanding which values are “falsy” is just as important as knowing the “truthy” ones for effectively using conditional logic in Python.


empty_list = []
bool_result = bool(empty_list)


  • empty_list = []: This line creates an empty list named empty_list.
  • bool_result = bool(empty_list): The bool() function evaluates empty_list (which is “falsy”) and stores the result in bool_result.
  • print(bool_result): This line prints the value of bool_result, which is False.



Python bool() with Empty vs Non-Empty Objects

Python bool() function is particularly useful for distinguishing between empty and non-empty objects. In Python, an empty object, such as an empty list, an empty string, an empty tuple, or an empty dictionary, is considered False when evaluated by bool(). Conversely, a non-empty object contains at least one element and is considered True. This distinction is fundamental in many programming scenarios where you must check if a collection or a string has any content before proceeding with further operations.


non_empty_dict = {"a": 1}
bool_result_non_empty = bool(non_empty_dict)

empty_dict = {}
bool_result_empty = bool(empty_dict)


  • non_empty_dict = {"a": 1}: Creates a non-empty dictionary.
  • bool_result_non_empty = bool(non_empty_dict): The bool() function evaluates the non-empty dictionary as True.
  • print(bool_result_non_empty): Prints True.
  • empty_dict = {}: Creates an empty dictionary.
  • bool_result_empty = bool(empty_dict): The bool() function evaluates the empty dictionary as False.
  • print(bool_result_empty): Prints False.




Python bool() is a simple yet powerful function for evaluating the “truthiness” of objects in Python. It plays a crucial role in conditional statements and logical operations by providing a standardized way to determine if an object should be considered True or False. Understanding how Python bool treats different types of objects, especially the distinction between “truthy” and “falsy” values and empty versus non-empty objects, is essential for writing clear and effective Python code. Using bool() function, you can always get a boolean value for any object.

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Python Reference

python bool()

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